Milipol Paris

Leading event for homeland security and safety with 1,116 exhibitors and 30,084 visitors. Find out just why this is an event you cannot afford to miss!

Key figures

% of exhibitors were satisfied with the event
% of decision-makers came with an investment project
% of exhibitors would like to return to Milipol

Exhibit at the event

handshake icon

Meet prospects and clients

90 contacts were generated on average by each exhibitor, 76% of exhibitors were satisfied of the quality of visitors.
sparkles icon

Promote new products & services

87% of exhibitors see Milipol Paris as an effective way of building loyalty, presenting new services and raising their visibility.
megaphone icon

Strengthen your presence among competitors

77% of exhibitors see the show as a good way of asserting their presence in relation to the competition.


*based on marketing survey

Business sectors

No results
"We took part in the 2023 edition of the Milipol Show, a global event at which we have been exhibiting for over 20 years. The show was a great success, and a real showcase for our expertise and latest innovations. It also enabled us to strengthen our ties with our customers, partners and suppliers (both current and future), and to keep abreast of the outlook for our markets - all in a friendly environment. We look forward to 2025."
Abdelhamid BERRAMOU
Export Sales Director - Paul Boyé Technologies
Paul Boyer Technologies's corporate logo
stands at milipol paris including Visiom, sopra steria and vidéology

Stand offers

Would you like to exhibit at the next Milipol Paris, which takes place from 18 to 21 November 2025? Discover all the Milipol Paris offers and choose the stand formula best suited to your needs
Discover our stand offers

Location sectors

  • Tech Zone
  • Cyber Zone     
  • Crisis Management Zone
  • Forensics
  • Newcomers Village
  • Milipol LAB
Discover all our offers
Aerial view of several stands at the show
  • Logo Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Outre-Mer Logo Police Nationale Logo Gendarmerie Nationale Logo Direction Générale de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des crises Logo des Douanes & Droits indirects Logo IHEMI Logo Direction de la Coopération Internationale de Sécurité Logo IHEDN
  • Logo CDSE Logo AN2V Logo CNPP Logo GPMSE Logo IEESSE Logo Agora News Sécurité