Milipol Paris

Milipol Paris, the leading event for Homeland security and safety, is organised every two years under the aegis of the French Ministry for the Interior, in partnership with several national and international institutions / governmental bodies. In 2023, the event gathered over 1,100 exhibitors and over 30,000 visitors.
Find out just why this is an event you cannot afford to miss!

Event Key Figures

Exhibitors (65% from outside France)
Visitors from 160 countries
Official delegations
% Visitor satisfaction

Business Sectors

Highlights of the Event


Back to the 2023 Edition in Video

All players from the homeland security and safety industry were present at Milipol Paris 2023. The 23rd edition highlighted the latest technological innovations and widened the debates on current issues and future challenges faced by the security sector.

The Milipol Network



  • Logo Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Outre-Mer Logo Police Nationale Logo Gendarmerie Nationale Logo Direction Générale de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des crises Logo des Douanes & Droits indirects Logo IHEMI Logo Direction de la Coopération Internationale de Sécurité Logo IHEDN
  • Logo CDSE Logo AN2V Logo CNPP Logo GPMSE Logo IEESSE Logo Agora des Directeurs de la Sécurité Logo Cyno-Ops