Every two years Milipol Paris is the ultimate gathering point for all international business professionals from the safety and homeland security sector. It is the focal point for the latest innovations and the place where the future of the industry is defined. As a platform for business, innovation and exchange, the event will meet all your needs, the reason why 89% of 2023 attendees declared their intention to visit Milipol Paris 2025!
3 exhibitors talking business and drinking champagne on a stand

Developing your Network While Doing Business

In 2023, the visitor degree of satisfaction reached 90%!

The event brings together the makers and shakers of the security sector from all levels: ministries and governmental bodies, administration and institutions (Customs, Interpol, National Police, etc.), manufacturers, distributors, service companies, etc.

The 23rd edition of the event met a resounding success, gathering over 1,100 exhibitors from 54 countries (65% non-French), 30,000 qualified attendees from 160 countries (44% non-French) and 175 official delegations.

For the 2025 edition, an even stronger attendance is expected:

  • 1,100+ exhibitors
  • 32,000+ qualified visitors from 150+ countries
  • 175+ official delegations
A visitor at Milipol Paris made in average 14 very interesting contacts with exhibitors. 62% of attendees thought that Milipol Paris was important for their business, and 92% by adding the "medium" important answers.

83% of visitors come to the event with an investment project, and among them, 88% found the solutions to finalise their project.

(Source: visitor survey 2021).

Benefit from the Comprehensive Milipol Paris Offer

As well as being the ultimate international showcase for the homeland security sector with 1,116 exhibitors (65% are international), Milipol Paris also provides an exclusive opportunity to discover the latest products and services on the market, and get an overall view of all aspects of public and industrial security.

Distribution of exhibitor by activity sectorsDistribution of exhibitors by activity sectors (source 2023)
Visitors in front of international booth at Milipol Paris

Top 10 Exhibiting Countries in Surface (Excluding France)

  • China
  • Germany
  • United States
  • Israel
  • United Kingdom
  • Italy
  • Türkiye
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Sweden

Events within the Event

A number of mini-events are held, designed for all participants in the exhibition:

  • The official opening ceremony by the French Minister of the Interior, followed by the official opening keynotes.
  • A free, 4-day conference programme, featuring internationally-renowned experts from the security sector.
  • The Demo Arena to attend exhibitor & elite units live demonstrations.
  • The Milipol Innovation Awards ceremony which rewards the most innovative companies of the homeland security industry.
  • The Innov'Arena with numerous pitches delivered by Milipol Innovation Awards finalists, startups, exhibitors via seminars, etc.
  • The Milipol LAB, a real stage highlighting the Security sector’s entrepreneurial dynamism, and a unique opportunity for Startups & Innovative companies to showcase their solutions.
  • Specific exhibiting areas.
  • And other events...
Audience attending a conference
two men on business meetings in the VIP/official delegation area

A Widely-acclaimed Event

Milipol Paris is the place to be for attendees wishing to discover the hottest innovations from within a sector that is undergoing constant development, and also to consider together the future of the industry.

The global visitor degree of satisfaction in 2023 reached 90%! In details, they were:

  • 93% in terms of general atmosphere of the exhibition.
  • 84% in terms of the representativeness of the overall offer.
  • 90% in terms of the quality of products and services exhibited.


The event meets all the needs and expectation of the industry, as highlighted below with the satisfaction rate for each top visit goal:

  • Discover new products and services (85% of satisfaction)
  • Meet new suppliers & new potential partners (81% of satisfaction)
  • Network with peers (85% of satisfaction)
  • Meet current suppliers (91% of satisfaction)
  • Finalise an investment project (83% of satisfaction)


89% of 2023 attendees said they would like to come back to the event in 2025.